Hello Everyone,
The Sling Resource Merger provides services to access and merge resources. It provides diff (differencing) mechanisms for both:
- Overlays of resources using configured search paths
- Overrides of component dialogs for the touch-optimized UI (cq:dialog), using the resource type hierarchy (by means of the property sling:resourceSuperType).
Note: sling:resourceMerger concept is basically used for Granite.So this concept is specifically applicable for touch UI.
1. Approach for Overlaying Resources: Resource Overlay works on the path which is having the same hierarchy in /apps. If there is a path in libs: “/libs/text/example” then Its overlaying path can only be: “/apps/text/example”. This approach saves you from copying the entire structure of libs in apps when you need customizations.You can customize as much as required.
Fig - Overlaying the resource |
Example: Customization the consoles
Fig - How Overlay works in Resource Merger? |
Example: Configuring your page properties
Fig - Overriding the resource |
Fig - How Override works in Resource Merger? |
Goals of Resource Merger concept in AEM
1.Reduce the structure that is replicated from AEM and reusability of resources.
2.Ensure that any changes should not make in /libs.
2.Ensure that any changes should not make in /libs.
Properties of Resource Merger
String or String[]
Hide the properties,The wildcard(*)hides all.
Indicates that the resource should be completely hidden with its children
String or String[]
Hide the list of children of a particular resource. The wildcard(*)hides all the children.
Contains the name of the preceding sibling.
Points to Remember
1.Overrides are not dependent on search paths.They use sling:resourceSuperType property to make a connection.
2.You must not change anything in /libs, The reason may be that when you upgrade your instance or apply any service pack/hotfix, It may be overwritten.So Any customization you needed should be done in /apps.
2.You must not change anything in /libs, The reason may be that when you upgrade your instance or apply any service pack/hotfix, It may be overwritten.So Any customization you needed should be done in /apps.
Use cases of sling: ResourceMerger
- Add a property
- Redefine a property(not auto-created properties)
- Redefined an auto-created property
- Redefine a node and its children
- Hide a property
- Hide a node and its children
- Hide Children of a node (while keeping the properties of the node)
- Reorder nodes
Invoking the Sling Resource Merger from your code
The Sling Resource Merger includes two custom resource providers - one for overlays and another for overrides. Each of these can be invoked within your code by using a mount point:
- Overlay:
- purpose: merge resources based on their search path
- mount point: /mnt/overlay
- Usage: mount point + relative path
- Example: getResource('/mnt/overlay/' + '<relative-path-to-resource>');
- Override:
- purpose: merge resources based on their super type
- mount point: /mnt/override
- Usage: mount point + absolute path
- Example: getResource('/mnt/override' + '<absolute-path-to-resource>');
Since Long, I am trying to find a good example of explaining /mnt/overlay and /mnt/override concept in resource Merger. So finally I got a use case to justify with this concept.
Use Case: Recently I have gone through a scenario, where I want to add some more locales in the drop-down of page properties.
To know from where languages are getting listed out, I check the language widget in the page properties dialog.
Fig - language widget in the page properties dialog |
So to populate languages, cq/gui/components/common/datasources/languages is playing an important role.
If I check the language.jsp under /libs/cq/gui/components/common/datasources/languages, you can see that all the languages are coming from /libs/wcm/core/resources/languages.
Fig - Source of language population in the dropdown |
But I don’t want to duplicate all the locales in apps as well. So what to do?
1. Overlaying the languages hierarchy: Just add all the new locales in /apps/wcm/core/resources/languages and now overlay the language.jsp with the following modifications.
Fig - Merging the new locale and existing locale using mnt overlay |
2. Overriding the languages hierarchy: Add new locales in any hierarchy example I have taken it “/apps/languages/core/resources/languages” and add a property sling:resourceSuperType to /libs/wcm/core/resources/languages.
Fig - Overriding the languages which are available under libs |
Overlay the language.jsp with the following modifications.
Fig - Merging the new locale and existing locale using mnt override |
If you have any query or suggestion then kindly comment or mail us at sgaem.blog02@gmail.com
Hope it will help you guys !!
Thanks and Happy Learning.