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Thursday, May 30, 2019

Export Experience Fragments to Adobe Target with AEM 6.3

Hello Everyone.

Recently I have gone through one use case of XF with adobe target. The problem statement
was I was having one component which is having three variations. And I want to show
different variations of the component to different audience using adobe Target.

So when i start implementing, I came to know that one way to achieve this is to create an XF
and make three variations of that and Export it to Adobe Target.

So This blog only talks about how to Export the Experience Fragment  to adobe target.

1. AEM needs to be successfully connected to “Adobe Target”.
2. In the cloud configurations of XF (in page properties), need to configure adobe target.

In the previous blog we have already created an XF and in AEM 6.4 there is already
a button available in the XF Console and it will directly publish the XF to target.

But My project is using AEM Version, I was not able to find the option of "Export to
Target".But when I upgraded my system to AEM 6.3.3 then I got the option.But the client was not always ready about this upgrade so how can we do it with minimal things done on production.

While debugging this problem, I have gone through few documents that says different things and really a bit mislead me.

1. One document says that the prerequisite for this option need to be “Adobe Experience Manager 6.3 SP2 (or later)”.
2. Someone also face the same issue and raise it to adobe forum then they ask to update the instance (AEM 6.3.2) with one pack “” and in the forum they mentioned also that “Open a daycare ticket to get access to it. It's not yet available at Adobe Package share cloud”.
3. Other document says that “This functionality requires the application of AEM 6.3 Service Pack 3 (

Now the actual things which I figured out are:
1. AEM don’t support XF "Export to Adobe Target" option.
2.“” package is a very small bug fix package and can solve the problem but it is available in packageshare. No need to raise a ticket to adobe.
3. AEM 6.3.3+ versions supports the option but you can make it available in AEM 6.3.2 with a very small(2 MB) Bug fix package but your client doesn't want to go for the big upgrade.

If you have any query or suggestion then kindly comment or mail us at

Hope it will help you guys !!
Thanks and Happy Learning.

Experience Fragments in AEM 6.4

Hello Everyone,

A lot of people asked me to write upon experience fragments since so long but I couldn’t
write over it because before this I have not worked on it.
By writing something after reading from google doesn’t experience you the real time problems
you may face.So finally as I am using this feature in my projects and understand the
technical challenge also, So for your reference I am writing down this article on experience

What are Experience Fragments?
An Experience Fragment is a set of content that grouped forms an experience that should
make sense on its own.
We will not do our hands on we-retail because that won’t really help you to create your
XF so let’s see how you can do initial set up for XF in your own projects.

  1. Page Component of Experience fragments
  2. Creating Dynamic Template for Experience fragments
How to create a Page Component for XF: Copy the we-retail page Component “weretail/components/structure/xfpage” in your own project  and change the clientlibs in “customfooterlibs.html” and “customheaderlibs.html”,and include your own clientlibs.It is important because if you create an XF for your project and use the components you want to see  the same look and feel of the actual website in XF pages also.

Dynamic Templates for Experience Fragments:

If you are already using dynamic templates,  you must be aware about it so create a new template-types with your xf resourcetype.

If in your project you are using static templates, still you need to create a dynamic template for XF. To check the  steps of creating a dynamic template you can check this link out from here or no need to understand the dynamic templates in so deep just take the package from here and update the name and path as per your needs.

Note: One important thing to highlight here is you need to add one more property in the “jcr:content” of “initial” node of your template-type manually which is


If you don’t add this property you won’t able to see your XF Variant in the
experience fragment component to select it over a page.

So my assumption till here is that you have created a template-types and page component.
It's time to create a template from template-types and allow the components in parsys by
adding policy and unlock the parsys.

If you are completely unaware of dynamic templates you can follow the video for more
clarity if the terminologies (policy, template-types) are not clear to you.

Allow the template for Experience Fragment: You need to add your template
manually in XF path(“/content/experience-fragments”) property allowedTemplates,
so that template can be visible to create XF.

Now it’s time to create Experience Fragments:
1. Go to AEM Start Console and go to “Experience Fragments”.
2. Create a folder for your project.
3. Under that click on Create-> Experience Fragment and choose the template for your project.
4. When you open the template you will be able to see a parsys in which you can drag and drop the components.Only those components can be dropped here which you configured in the policy of parsys at the time of template creation.
5.You can create different variation of the XF also.

Now your Experience Fragment is ready, you can use it in your page.Drag and drop the Component named “experience Fragment” from "General" group on a page and choose the variation which you want to use on a page.

If you have any query or suggestion then kindly comment or mail us at

Hope it will help you guys !!
Thanks and Happy Learning.